Deploying the FAST ESP Search API to CQ 5.5

This post is dedicated to any OSGi developer who has endured the pain of wrapping a third-party JAR in order to deploy it to an OSGi container.

In this post we will deploy the FAST ESP Java Search API to CQ 5. Since Microsoft does not provide an OSGi bundle for this API, we will create our own using the technique described on the CQ Blueprints post, Deploying 3rd Party Libraries.

The high-level approach is as follows:

  1. Download the FAST ESP Java Search API (version from Microsoft Connect and upload it to your 3rd party Nexus repository. I assume that the readers of this post are familiar with Nexus and have their own repository.
  2. Create a Maven project to create the wrapped version of API.
  3. Deploy the wrapped version of the API to your Nexus repository.
  4. Deploy the wrapped version of the API to CQ via the Felix console.
  5. Add the wrapped version of the API as a dependency to your Maven project.
  6. Update your CQ instance to allow sun.io to be exported as part of the Felix system bundle from the framework classloader.

Adding a 3rd Party JAR (esp-searchapi.jar) to Nexus

It is recommended that you add a proxy repository to http://repository.opencastproject.org/nexus/content/groups/public/ as this repository has the Xalan and Xerces artifacts used by this article.

  1. Log in as the admin user to your Nexus repository (i.e., http://localhost:8081/nexus/)
  2. Select Repositories and click 3rd party repository.
  3. Click the Artifact Upload tab an enter the following information:

    GAV Definition:GAV Parameters

  4. Click the Select Artifact(s) to Upload… button and browse to the location of the FAST ESP Java Search API (i.e., esp-searchapi.jar).
  5. Once selected, click the Add Artifact button followed by the Upload Artifact(s) button.
  6. If successful, you should now have a vanilla version of the FAST ESP Java Search API that can be included as a dependency by Maven. This dependency will be used in the next step.


Create a Maven Project to Build the Wrapped JAR

Create the following POM. Please note: the dependencies listed in the POM below were defined by trial and error. I had many unsucessful deployments to Apache Felix with failed dependencies. In the end, the list of embedded dependencies included Xalan, Xerces and Log4j. Most of the remaining dependencies, such as HttpClient and javax.* packages were satisfied by Felix. Actually, the only dependency that was not satisfied was the sun.io package. I solved this by allowing Felix to export and load the sun.io packages from the framework class loader.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">



	<name>FAST ESP Search API</name>
	<description>An OSGi version of FAST ESP Search API</description>




Run mvn clean install. This should produce a file called esp-search-api-wrapped- in your target directory.

Similar to before, upload this artifact to your 3rd party Nexus repository using the following:

GAV Definition:GAV Parameters

You should now be able to use the new wrapped version of the API in your Maven POM by adding the following dependency.


Deploy the esp-searchapi-wrapped- to CQ via the Felix console.

Lastly, edit yourcqinstance/crx-quickstart/sling.properties and add the following line. This will allow Felix to export sun.io and make it available from the framework classloader.



Once this change is made, restart CQ 5.

CQ5 WebDAV Support for Windows 7 64-bit

After a long break from working in the content management space, I returned to my CMS roots with a focus on CQ5. As a novice CQ5 developer, I've been chipping away at CQ5 recipes such as: As a developer, I would to like to access the CRX via WebDAV on my Windows 7 workstation. Simple question, right? Wrong. As it turns out Windows 7 64-bit does not support mapping a WebDAV resource easily. Sure, there were claims that applying KB907306 would do the trick. This didn't work. There were instructions on mucking with the registry. Really, this isn't the 90s. No thank you. Oh, wait...there are third-party freeware packages such as BitKinex. Again, no thank you. Lastly, there were some articles around changing the authentication scheme from Basic Authentication to Digest Authentication. Why can't I have native support! 

Enough with the rant. I recently had a good experience building a command line WebDAV client under Linux (CentOS) called cadaver. As a command line guy, I already had Cygwin running under Windows 7. Sure enough, Cygwin supports cadaver under All > Web

For those of you running Windows 7, need WebDAV support and don't mind using the command line, try cadaver out. Once installed, connecting to the CRX is pretty painless.

  1. Launch Cygwin
  2. Create a file called ~/.netrc and include the following lines. This will allow you to interact with the CRX without being promoted for a username and password.
    machine localhost
    login admin
    password admin
  3. Run cadaver.
    $ cadaver http://localhost:4502/crx/repository/crx.default
  4. You should now receive a shell to interact with the CRX. Most of the commands are similar to a command line FTP client (ls, cd, get, etc.). Simply type help for a list of available commands.