
Solr Document Processing with Apache Camel - Part III

For those of you that are still following along, let's recap what we've accomplished since the last post, Solr Document Processing with Apache Camel - Part II. We started by deploying SolrCloud with the sample gettingstarted collection and then developed a very simple standalone Camel application to index products from a handful of stub JSON files.

In this post, we will continue to work against the SolrCloud cluster we set up previously. If you haven't done this, refer to the Apache Solr Setup in We will also start out with a new Maven project available in GitHub called camel-dp-part3. This project will be similar to the last version; but with the following changes:

  1. We will be using a real data source. Specifically, Best Buy's movie product line.
  2. We will introduce property placeholders. This will allow us to specify environment-specific configurations within a Java properties file.
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AEM Solr Search 2.0.0

We just released AEM Solr Search 2.0.0. This is the first major release since I gave my talk at adaptTo(). Checkout the following links to get you started:

  1. AEM Solr Search Wiki. This is the new source of truth for our documentation.
  2. AEM Solr Search 2.0.0 demo on Youtube.

We hope you enjoy the new release. Drop us a line at if you need help with your AEM / Solr integration.

In our next release, expect document processing support and integration with a product catalog. This release will coincide with my talk at CIRCUIT in July:  Advanced AEM Search - Consuming External Content and Enriching Content with Apache Camel.